
A Queue Provider provides a way to serialize jobs to a Queue Connection and to work jobs off a Queue Connection.

The three built-in cbq providers are:

Writing your own Custom Provider

All Queue Providers extend the AbstractQueueProvider base component. They must implement three abstract methods:

 * Persists a serialized job to the Queue Connection
 * @queueName The queue name for the job.
 * @payload   The serialized job string.
 * @delay     The delay (in seconds) before working the job.
 * @attempts  The current attempt number.
 * @return    AbstractQueueProvider
public any function push(
    required string queueName,
    required string payload,
    numeric delay = 0,
    numeric attempts = 0

 * Starts a worker for a Worker Pool on this Queue Connection.
 * @pool    The Worker Pool that is working this Queue Connection.
 * @return  A function that when called will stop this worker.
public function function startWorker( required WorkerPool pool );

 * Starts any background processes needed for the Worker Pool.
 * @pool    The Worker Pool that is working this Queue Connection.
 * @return  AbstractQueueProvider
public any function listen( required WorkerPool pool );