
Interception Points

cbq announces the following interception points:


This is called when a Job is dispatched to a Queue.


This is called when a Job is pulled off the Queue to work.


This is called when a Job successfully finishes executing.


This is called when encountering an exception when handling a Job.


This is called when a Job is considered failed, after exhausting its maxAttempts.

JobPattern Annotation

To use the jobPattern annotation, you must have enabled the registerJobInterceptorRestrictionAspect setting in your module settings.

Interceptors listening on the cbq interception points listed above can optionally restrict execution to certain Jobs using a jobPattern annotation (similar to the eventPattern annotation in ColdBox).

component {

    function onCBQJobMarshalled( event, data ) jobPattern="SendWelcomeEmailJob" {
        // check if we've hit the email send limits for the month


This annotation accepts a regex string to check against the Job full name:

component {

    function onCBQJobMarshalled( event, data ) jobPattern="^.*Email.*$" {
        // check if we've hit the email send limits for the month


Jobs that do not match the interception point will send a notice to the debug log, if that is turned on for JobInterceptorRestriction.